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Office Efficiency

We can show you not only how to keep your office organized, but how to run your business efficiently. One of the biggest time thieves is a lack of organization. You can spend hours a week just looking for documents. We can help you get organized and be able to save those hours by finding documents in seconds. You need to get ahead, don’t delay, contact us today!

Filing Systems

We can provide filing systems to help you keep information well organized. We may recommend using color-coded filing folders with different color categories. For instance, green would be for assets, banking, and income. The color-coded filing folders are visual aids on your desk when handling phone calls, emails, or other action items. Having information at your fingertips has grown even more important today than ever before. By using your specialized filing system, you will find what you need when you need it. Expert in paper management with categorizing, sorting, filing, purging, and shredding. Don’t let clutter rule your office.

Work Space

Is your office such a disaster you are embarrassed to bring clients to meet you there? Are your desks cluttered and covered in papers and miscellaneous items? Is it hard to work in a cramped space? Do we need to implement filing and organizational tools to get you started? We can show you how to streamline and get out from behind the mess and get organized. We can help you not only grow your space by keeping the clutter away, but we can show you how to improve your business by staying on top of all that paperwork. Working in a well-organized environment gives you a feeling of satisfaction and a way to stay focused.

Working Environment Teams
  • Bring structure, logic, and control to your organization, at any level
  • Optimize workflow to increase productivity, reduce stress, and heighten profitability
  • Help define responsibilities for employees
  • Motivate your team with real solutions to the everyday or on-going challenges of too much to do, changing priorities, and information overload
  • Streamline your workflow with a Professional Organizer, including paperwork, messages, emails, clients, etc.
Public Speaking

Need a speaker for your next organizing presentation or time management seminar? How about a session on organizing tips? The Organized Happy Helper has spoken at libraries, retreats, Adult Education classes, and other events. We receive training from Toastmaster’s to be the best we can be!

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